Sunday, October 21, 2007

Nonprofit Law Podcast #19: Election season series - ballot measures

Election season series - ballot measures

Download: Nonprofit Law Podcast #19 (mp3, 7:09)



Tim Mooney… Welcome to the Nonprofit Law Podcast
Your guide to the laws impacting nonprofits.
Email the show

Month long series on election activity

Focuses on public charities, other 501(c)s and 527s
Covering voter guides, debates & forums, renting mailing lists, ballot measures, and voter registration/GOTV
Why now? Many nonprofits are already planning 2008 and some are already engaged in it
Don't do any of these things? Still important to know in case something unexpected comes up

Ballot Measures
Also, referenda, ballot questions, bond measures, state questions, etc.
Legislation that is considered by voters
Work for or against is considered a hybrid... lobbying by tax law, election activity by state election law

Limited capacity to work on ballot measures
Reporting requirements and registration usually required under state laws

Other organizations?
Lobbying not an issue under tax law
Reporting requirements and registration usually required under state laws


AFJ's Rules of the Game
AFJ's Seize the Initiative


Email me with questions and suggested topics
AP audio & handbook on using the Internet, podcasting and social networking for your nonprofit - go to for details
Need more than a podcast?

This podcast provides general information about legal topics but it is not a complete discussion of all legal issues that arise in relation to nonprofits nor is it a substitute for legal advice. This podcast does not create an attorney-client relationship. This is general legal information and the contributors make no warranties regarding the general legal information provided in this podcast , and disclaim liability for damages resulting from its use to the fullest extent permitted by the applicable law.

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